What difference has your computer made to your life?
We love hearing from our Senior Geeks about all the ways your computer is making life easier and more enjoyable. Sometimes it’s a phone call, other times a Facebook message or an email. We don’t mind how it gets here, it’s knowing we’ve made a difference that matters.
Our Connect IT team handle calls about the sale of computers as well as answering Seniors tech support calls. It can get a bit hectic at times so it makes our day to hear stories like these:
No more trips to Centrelink
Peter called to say he was very happy with his computer. He’s apparently never had one before and only just got on the pension. He’s apparently scared of technology and doesn’t have a mobile phone just a smart set-top box. He explained how he can look up the footy and do all his Centerlink business over the computer now and wanted me to pass on his thanks and compliments to everyone.
Faster download speed helps make books available
Jan wanted us to know how very pleased she was with her new computer. “For a very long time I have struggled with my old clunker, and never realised how slow it was. My husband is blind and I download books for him, and I used to set the “old clunker” going and leave the computer going all night, to get 5 books at a time, now it is so fast I can’t believe it. I’m so glad I decided to get one of yours. From a very happy old lady, I wish you all the very best for the future.”
These are just two heartwarming examples of the changes a low-cost quality computer can make to your day to day life.