It’s always a good idea to show our appreciation for all that our Mums do for us. They help set us up for life and help to make us who we are and who we will become.
Through our trainees, we’re privileged to meet some pretty amazing mums who care deeply about the path their children take in life. Mums who want to see their sons and daughters fully utilise their skills in meaningful employment, not just a job. The IT industry is an ideal place for kids with specialised skills and who don’t fit the high school to university mould.
And they don’t need to.
We’re proud to provide traineeships that allow kids like David and Sean to thrive. And who better to tell us how that feels than two of those amazing mums …
From Jennifer:
As David’s mother, I am extremely proud of his achievement and grateful for the training and support that WorkVentures has given him to be able to gain employment in the IT industry. David has always been interested in and able to effortlessly pick up new technologies. He is incredibly focused and has an eye for detail so software testing is a fantastic match for his skills. I can’t wait to watch his career in this very exciting industry
From Fiona:
An IT Traineeship is all my son, Sean, has wanted since Year 9. His choice of subjects at school, his part time study at TAFE and volunteering last year were all aimed at that, yet his Disability Employment Service told him to give up TAFE for a two day per week labouring job which they admitted was on the basis of his being 18 years old, without a back injury. In front of his father, they told Sean it would be a long time before he’d get an office job and they tried to tell me that he would “never get a job in I.T.”
Never suggest to the mother of a young person with a “disability” that there is anything their child cannot do!
Sean LOVES his position in the Call Centre at WorkVentures. He gets home exhausted, many times with stories of stressful days and sometimes upset that he has made costly mistakes AND I could not possibly be any prouder of him. I know that mistakes are the foundation of valuable learning. I watch him catch the early train just to make sure he gets to work on time. Every day my son leaves the house smiling, a young man walking tall and proud in his Connect I.T. polo shirt and nearly six months into his IT Traineeship. That still sometimes brings a tear to my eye.