The WorkVentures Career Pathways Program

The KickStart Academy is an employment readiness and evaluation program that allows participants to understand the longer-term career pathways available to them. It helps them comprehend the skills and qualities needed to achieve their goals and follow their chosen career path. We provide IT training, skills development and job placement in a safe, monitored environment.

Our Career
Pathways Program

The program commences with a 2 week “boot-camp” which places participants in a real-world work environment. In this scenario, the mutual relationship between employer and employee is experienced in a safe environment with an array of opportunities for skills development.

After completing boot camp, participants are eligible for a further 2 weeks of practical skills development through on-the-job work experience and specialised training. We don’t just provide IT training and job placement. We also provide experience and skills development in the following career pathways:

An individual Training Journal confirms each participant’s completed skills development, work experience and on-the job training.

Training is Monday to Friday between the hours of 9:30am to 3:00 pm. The attendance pattern is monitored and recorded.

On completion of the program, WorkVentures seeks to place or assist participants by easing them into employment, including traineeships, with our partner organisations or the open market.

The Selection

WorkVentures knows that being work ready is key to gaining, and, critically, retaining entry level positions. Our first step in the process is to identify and set expectations and select people who are genuinely interested in skills development and will be fully engaged in real work experience.
We run an information and interview session to give each candidate an opportunity to obtain an insight into what WorkVentures can offer.
In the session, we will evaluate what excites our candidates. As part of the selection process, we’ll question them on their values, aim to understand their competencies and computer literacy skills, and confirm our expectations are aligned with theirs.

Career Pathways

Streaming through our available pathways gives participants the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a variety of real workshop and warehouse environments to explore their own possibilities, likes and dislikes.
A dynamic schedule is developed and each participant works under a supervisor to refine their skills working with WorkVentures employees. The available pathways at WorkVentures are: